Version control for researchers with Git and GitHub

May 18, 2021

View the Project on GitHub karink520/git-and-github-intro


Git and GitHub are valuable tools for any researchers who work with code. They allow for version control, facilitate collaboration, and can help you make your research code better, safer, and more impactful in the broader community. This workshop is a practical introduction to Git and GitHub, intended to give participants the information and practice they need to start using these tools right away.


Before the workshop

  1. If you have never used the terminal / command prompt before, go through this introductory tutorial. The commands you will need to know for this course are ls (for Mac and Linux users), dir (for Windows users), and cd (for everyone). (15 min)
  2. Install Git, following these instructions. (10 min)
  3. Create an account on GitHub. (5 min)

Pre-course video-conference office hours: TBD: Please drop in with any questions, or if you run into trouble with the pre-workshop steps

Workshop materials


Workshop instructions