Project Check-in: Policy Question
For your final project, you will be using data science to investigate a policy-related question. The goal of the project is for you to bring together the tools of data science that you will be learning about throughout the semester in order to shed light on a question that is of interest to you. For the project, you will need to find and explore relevant data sets, create illuminative data visualizations, and model how different variables of interest might relate to each other.
In this assignment, the goal is for you to generate THREE possible questions of interest, one of which you will pursue in detail for your final project. It is helpful to have several possible questions of interest, because for some questions it might be hard to find relevant datasets.
List your three questions. For each question, write down:
- the question itself
- a brief explanation of it that will help non-experts understand the question and why it is interesting or important
- preliminary description of the kinds of data that would be helpful for investigating your question (note: you do not yet need to find data sources, just discuss what kind of data you would want).